Month: April 2014

Watch Dogs – 9 Minutes Of Multiplayer Gameplay | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Watch Dogs 9 minutes of Multiplayer Gameplay Ubisoft has just had the good graces to gift us another trailer for Watch dogs, the multi platform open world game that puts you in the guise of super hacker turned street vigilante Aiden Peirce, only this time they have shown off some of the games multiplayer features.   Let’s start with the obvious its looks really fun! Being able to pop in and o...[Read More]

Life Goes On Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Life Goes On Review  Life Goes On has a name seems somewhat unfortunate, should you ask me. Knight Murder Simulator might be the better title, for the one it currently has nearly made me skip the game. You know how it is – with all the indies currently being thrown around on Steam, it’s all too easy to start judging games by their names. Thankfully, Life Goes On ended up in my paws, disregar...[Read More]

Tickles Top 10 Gaming Adverts

I was talking to a friend of mine regarding the advert for The Elder Scrolls Online recently and from there we began discussing other gaming adverts or trailers that really hit us where we live. I decided I would make a list of my top ten favourite trailers. Let me be clear. This list is for the advert only and how good or bad the game turned out to be hasn’t been factored into this. So here’s my ...[Read More]


LEGO The Hobbit follows Bilbo’s story to the end of the second movie, with DLC probably handling the last movie, but as yet is unconfirmed. The LEGO games have covered the story of Lord Of The Rings and this is a natural progression for the series. Unless you have been off planet Earth, it’s hard not to know about either of these connected stories. The stories have taken the same route to our scre...[Read More]

Infinity Wars Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Infinity Wars Review   I have to admit that I installed Infinity Wars without expecting too much of it. With two high profile TCG games already on Steam (Duels of Champions, Magic: The Gathering), it’s hard to imagine how a brand new game could ever compete with these leviathans. As it turns out, Infinity Wars does many things as good as these franchises do, and some even better. Every good TC...[Read More]

Windforge Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Windforge Review   I’ve been excited about Windforge ever since I saw a gameplay trailer last year, with the player building his own airship, hunting flying whales (!) and skirmishing against steampunk pirates. It looked as if it’s going to blow every other similar game out of the water once it comes out. Except maybe Starbound, but that’s a whole different story. Windforge promised to tak...[Read More]


Moebius: Empire Rising is the latest game from Jane Jenson, most notably known for the Gabriel Knight series (of which this is a spiritual successor). This latest project is the result of a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $400,000. With so many point and click adventure games hitting the indie scene these days, can Moebius stand out? Malachi Rector is a very successful antique dealer who spe...[Read More]

Warlock 2 The Exiled Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Warlock 2 The Exiled Review   How does one review a game with foundations in genre he has virtually no clue about? My personal choice is always to charge headlong into the fray and kick the software around until things start making sense. With such valiant approach, we delve into the wondrous world of the Warlock franchise. Starting the game up for the first time, I was greeted with a vast amoun...[Read More]


Imagine this, you have seen Spandex Force Champion Rising on the App Store or where you can buy it on PC and thought that it could be the next Candy Crush. This led you to do a little research so you can be sure you would be the first of your friends to discover this gem. I would like to be the first to assure you that the latest Spandex Force is not Candy Crush. It is the creation of a single dev...[Read More]

Combat Mission Red Thunder Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Combat Mission Red Thunder Review   Red Thunder is another entry to the Command Mission series. A set of RTS games that pride themselves in historical accuracy and military specs. The game has garnered a small, dedicated following over the years for that reason, though during my time with the game, I found it to be rather slow, unwieldy and unresponsive. For the most part, missions hav...[Read More]

Don’t Blame Violent Video Games

A debate rages on, around the topic of video games. Namely, “Are violent video games a bad influence on children?” There are many, over-protective, naïve and, frankly, pathetically under-skilled parents, who believe that, yes, this is the case. It is true that some video games are hugely, gratuitously violent, but no amount of sweet head shots in Black Ops 2 can compete with the horrific violence ...[Read More]

The Evil Within – New Gameplay | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Evil Within – New Gameplay   Just released by Bethesda is the new gameplay trailer for their upcoming horror title The Evil Within, scary stuff!. The Evil Within will be available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation and PC from 29th August in Europe. Developed by Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Withinembodies the meaning of pure survival horror.Highly-crafte...[Read More]