Buttons Best Buy January 2015 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Buttons Best Buy January 2015



So we are into another year and January is now behind us, it’s time for me to start expressing my opinions again, whether you like them or not. During January there were a few releases that I considered for my Best Buy, including Gat Out Of Hell, Saints Row IV Re-Elected and a few smaller titles. I could go on but jumping from key to key to type this sh*t is quite tiring on my little furry butt. And so, I have chosen Dying Light as my Buttons Best Buy for January simply because it deserved it, it brough us a zombie game that, quite frankly, the industry desperately needed. I have smashed in many Zombie skulls and climbed up countless drainpipes in Dying Light, and I fecking love it. Techland have proved that Zombie games can be done right, with a little imagination, some pretty cool crafting of weapons, excellent parkour, and terrifying Zombies – especially at night when I often found myself hiding in the cats mouth just to escape from the feckers.

In Dying Light players assume the role of Kyle Crane, an undercover operative sent to infiltrate the quarantine zone in the fictional city of Harran, based off ancient Turkey. His mission is to find Kadir “Rais” Sulaiman, a rogue agent who has a file that could destroy the reputation of the agency. But when he arrives, he must choose between completing his mission or helping the other survivors led by Harris Brecken. Watch as the rules that govern civilization crumble to dust! As you upgrade your abilities Kyle and the weapons that are available become killing machines, and you will soon be able to scale the side of a building faster that I can scurry up a sodding curtain. I have seen people complain about how much of a mess Dying Light is on PC, and all I have to say to those guys is, get a decent PC you cheapskate, or be a real gamer and buy a console. I am fed up of these PC guys referring to themselves as “the master race” of gaming, seems to me more like the whingers and whiners of gaming! And no you guys do not get a vote in Buttons Best Buy as I have stated before, this is MY section of the interweb and I choose what goes in it and what doesn’t. Dying Light has set a bar for games based around Zombies, and it has come out of the gate running – I kneel down on my furry little legs and thank Techland for such a delightful start to a new year of gaming.

Now watch as my favourite hairy guy, Tickles takes you through the first 15 minutes of Dying Light.