

Gamers everywhere have been waiting for this alpha, and last week saw it’s arrival on Xbox One. If you are an Xbox preview participant you would have received your code the same time as I did, when it went live on the 30th of October. Evolve, the new multiplayer IP from 2K Games and Turtle Rock Studios, was about to give us all a chance to delve into its 4v1 matches, either as a hunter or the hunt...[Read More]

Armored Warfare Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Armored Warfare Preview   Armored Warfare is under development by Obsidian Entertainment and, and is a free to play tank shooter much in the style of World Of Tanks which we all know. Recently I was able to get some hands on time with the game, and also have a chat to the guys from Obsidian Entertainment and on what they are trying to achieve by bringing Armored Warfare to th...[Read More]

Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space Preview The first impression one gets as they launch Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space and watch the introduction for the first time is of cheesy 1960s TV sci-fi horror movies. However, get past that initial impression, stick with it a little longer and give it a chance – you will find a rewarding puzzle-cum-first-person shooter type game. As the description of&Ac...[Read More]


We were once again able to get some hands on playtime with Lords Of The Fallen recently, this time however we managed to capture some exclusive gameplay for you guys to enjoy. Firstly I would like to say that Lords Of The Fallen has been called a Dark Souls clone by many, and I actually think this is unfair to the game, yes it has elements that may remind you of the Dark Souls series, but by no me...[Read More]

Randal’s Monday Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Randal’s Monday Preview   Grass is green, sky is blue and Daedalic Entertainment is very fond of point ‘n’ click adventures. Coming from a long line of games published by Daedalic that were usually among the second best in this ancient genre is Randal’s Monday – a rather quirky adventure that looks towards the Groundhog Day for inspiration. I&aci...[Read More]


Grass is green, sky is blue and Daedalic Entertainment is very fond of point ‘n’ click adventures. Coming from a long line of games published by Daedalic that were usually among the second best in this ancient genre is Randal’s Monday – a rather quirky adventure that looks towards the Groundhog Day for inspiration. I’ve been privileged to playing the first couple of chapters of this story and can ...[Read More]

This War Of Mine Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

This War Of Mine Preview    Without trying to state the obvious, wars are terrible things. Fighting, killing, soldier against soldier. Sometimes entire nations are against each other, while civil wars make countries tear themselves apart. Many games refuse to acknowledge the grittier side of war, when it isn’t all about bursting into houses guns a blazing, shooting bad people for “democr...[Read More]

Warmachine Tactics Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Warmachine Tactics Preview    Warmachine Tactics is Privateer Press’s foray into electronic gaming. They have taken one of Privateer Press’s most popular tabletop games, and translated the core gameplay on to PC with a fair amount of success. By translating core gameplay I don’t mean bringing the tabletop game in its exact form onto a virtual board. There are simply a different set of...[Read More]

Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris Preview   Recently I was able to spend some time with Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris, the follow-up title to Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light. When any press attends these sorts of events to play a demo build for an up-coming title such as this, it is definitely a tense time for developers and publishers alike. When I sat down to...[Read More]


Recently I was able to spend some time with Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris, the follow-up title to Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light. When any press attends these sorts of events to play a demo build for an up-coming title such as this, it is definitely a tense time for developers and publishers alike. When I sat down to play the demo I was immediately informed by a Square Enix representat...[Read More]

Beyond Flesh and Blood Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Beyond Flesh and Blood Preview   While at EGX I spent some time with the guys from Pixel Bomb, playing their upcoming title Beyond Flesh And Blood. I am very interested in this title for a number of reasons, one of which is the setting, Manchester.Beyond Flesh And Blood is set over 200 years into the future, where most of mankind is living on a station, called The Tree Of Life, orbiting the p...[Read More]

Gang Beasts Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Gang Beasts Preview      Name one thing the current PC gaming scene is sorely missing at this time and age. I won’t take any guesses because I’m slightly fearful of what you might have noted – instead, let me tell you what Gang Beasts is all about: hot seat multiplayer. Imagine WWE, but where all actors are so drunk that they can barely stand on their two shuddering legs. Instead of ...[Read More]