Evolve Pushed Back | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Evolve Pushed Back

The upcoming asymmetrical shooter developed by Turtle Rock: Evolve has had its release date pushed back to the 10th of February 2015, Karl Slatoff, President of Take-Two made his announcement in their most recent financial report. Previously Evolve was due for release in October 22nd Evolve would have been up against a plethora of huge titles so the delay may not be a bad thing. Evolve would have originally been competing with 2K’s co-operative Borderlands the Pre Sequel amongst others.  For those of you living under a rock for the last year Evolve will pit players in a 4 v 1 where four human hunters will work together to battle a player controlled monster. So far we have seen two of the monsters available to play, The Goliath and The Kraken who’s sole purpose is to evolve and kill.  Xbox One users will have exclusive access to an early Beta as well as early an release to DLC.