Exclusive Beyond Flesh And Blood Screenshots | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Exclusive Beyond Flesh And Blood Screenshots



Today we received some exclusive, never before seen screenshots from the upcoming shooter Beyond Flesh And Blood, which is under development by the team at Pixel Bomb Games. I previewed this title at EGX this year where the team show cased the Horde mode from the game. I have to say I am excited about this game guys, as it shows imagination and unique additions to the shooter genre. I am even more excited to find out more about the closely guarded storyline that the team are keeping very secretive about. All their focus is on bringing a very story driven experience set over 200 years into the future. The setting for this is Manchester, but a decimated city recreated from how the city actually looks today.Â

Pixel Bomb Games are also taking many pointers from their community and acting on the ones they feel would improve the overall experience and atmosphere of Beyond Flesh And Blood, as some of the community want to actually rage war on their own street in Manchester, and maybe even shoot some holes in their favourite kebab shop. Pixel Bomb Games are trying to make that a reality. Even more exciting news is that they are bringing a never before seen or played demo of the game to Manchester, the spiritual home of the game, and if you want to get a glimpse at the secret storyline get over to them at the PlayExpo.

To find out more about Beyond Flesh And Blood check out the official site. Now check out these babies…………..Oh and it’s a slide show for those who can only see one image