Guild Wars 2 Beta Announced | MOUSE n JOYPAD


NCSOFT and ArenaNet™, publisher and developer of the acclaimed Guild Wars franchise, have today announced the first publicly accessible beta for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns. The Beta will get a preview on the show floor at Gamescom before it is launched worldwide as the first official Beta Weekend Event for players who pre-purchased the game.

The studio will debut a demo showcasing a portion of the content that is playable in the beta test on the show floor starting on Gamescom’s opening day: Wednesday, August 5, and running until the show ends on Sunday, August 9. ArenaNet is partnered with Twitch at Gamescom and will have demo stations open to all attendees at the Twitch booth.

For the Beta Weekend Event, players around the world who purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be able to play all of the content in the Beta test using their existing Guild Wars 2 accounts starting at 9:00 p.m. CEST (8:00 p.m. BST) on Friday, August 7th, and running until 9:00 p.m. CEST (8:00 p.m. BST) on Monday, August 10th. ArenaNet announced access to Beta Weekend Events as one of the perks for anyone who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, the upcoming expansion to Guild Wars 2

In this first test, players will have a chance to experience the first story instances in the expansion’s new area, the Heart of Maguuma Jungle, as well as playtest the revenant, an all-new profession with attacks and abilities that draw their powers from legends of Guild Wars lore. They will be among the first to try out the new elite specializations that introduce brand new weapons and skills for each profession in the game. They also get to test the new masteries system, a new endgame progression system that replaces linear levelling and gives players choices in the new skills, abilities and rewards they pursue.

As of yet there is no official release date for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns but make sure to check back with Mouse N Joypad for any further Guild Wars News.