IMC Rising Gets a Release Date – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Titanfall DLC – IMC Rising Gets a Release Date


Titanfall is set to receive its newest DLC: IMC Rising this week. This new DLC pack, which is free for Season Pass holders but will cost the rest of us $10 if purchased as a standalone. The DLC will grant access to three brand new maps based around the IMC faction. In the release trailer we see some select gameplay of the three maps in action. There is no word on new weapons or abilities that will be made available at this time. The DLC will release on Xbox One and PC on September 25th with the Xbox 360 release coming at a later date.

The Three maps we can expect are:

  • Backwater – Backwater will feature large open spaces for the hectic Titan fights we have come to expect as well as having both tunnels and raised walkways for Pilots to traverse.
  • Zone 18 – Zone 18 is an IMC advanced robotics facility that is more geared towards long raged sniper action with clear lines of sight when pilots venture out of the safety of the facility.
  • Sand Trap – Sand Trap is a map designed predominantly for Titan combat however a skilled wallrunner will be able to traverse bottomless tunnels where one misstep means certain death.


IMC Rising is the third and final DLC pack planned for Titanfall.