Letâs Play State Of Decay: YOSE #2
Surviving The Apocalypse
Welcome back guys to Episode two of Surviving The Apocalypse, where I will be playing State Of Decay: Year One Survival Edition from start to finish and also taping my exploits. In the first episode I lost two valued members of the community, Maya who was attacked by a large zombie in a barn while trying to help another survivor and Marcus who got himself surrounded pretty quickly by a wandering horde, beaten to the ground and pulled apart for the zombies to feast on his intestines. The rest of the community was definitely angry and shocked at their loss, so today I am having to raise morale.
The first mission I undertake is bringing Sam out to release some stress by killing zeds, we drive to the veterinary clinic and rid the place of the remaining zombies before making our way back home to the chapel. You may notice that I do switch cars a few times during this mission, once because the engine was about to catch fire and the other time I actually drove into a river from a broken bridge. The second time I did not show you my mistake but I will be honest an say I drove of the end of a bridge.
The other mission I attempt in State Of Decay today is hunting down a Juggernaut Zombie and killing him, without losing any more members of my already dwindling team.This mission proves hard enough as I again crash the car and end up on foot in a field full of zeds. With no guns to use I must batter my way through any zombie that gets near and eventually try and take down the big guy with nothing more than my high-heels and a good dose of painkillers. Of course I do eventually find a gun before another mission comes in over the radio, take a look below and find out how I did in this episode. It may not be pretty but it sure is effective. Join me again during the week when I will be taking on more State Of Decay missions in my bid to Survive The Apocalypse.