Mass Effect: Andromeda Early Development Footage Leaks | MOUSE n JOYPAD

It seems as though another glimpse into what will be Bioware’s next Mass Effect game has surfaced again. Just recently, early in-game footage for Mass Effect: Andromeda has been spotted online.

The thirty second clip showed up online as part of a showreel for one of Bioware’s

artists. Though it should be noted that via a Neogaf user, the footage itself is taken directly from a build of the game that dates back to 2014. Nevertheless, it is still an interesting find both in that it helps further our understandings of the shape the game will take (in conjunction with the leaked story details from earlier this week), and by the very fact that aside from the teaser released nearly a year ago at E3, this is the only other shown footage of the game to date.

Snippets of the game shown in the footage pertain to: a scene showing a Krogan held at gunpoint by a human who retaliates by opening what appears to be a spore bomb, samples of visual effects such as rain, fire, and a meteorite exploding into a planet’s surface, and, most strikingly, gameplay of a human character utilizing a jetpack to jump to and from the roofs of small structures.

With consideration to the natural outcome of game development, it would be somewhat safe to assume that what is shown in showreel will go through drastic alterations by the time the game is finished -if not completely removed.

Some fans have pointed out that the player HUD shown resembles that of another Bioware game that was released around the same time of the presumed date of this footage, which too should be an indicator to not base too much hope on the final product by looking at this footage.

Though for those eagerly awaiting the game to come out (i.e. yours truly) the mere fact that I can look at something that might possibly be a portion of things to come in the next Mass Effect…we’ll, all take as much as I can get.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is presently expected to be released Spring 2017.

For all your Mass Effect updates keep your eyes peeled to the Mouse N Joypad website. And as always, if you have any queries, comments, or concerns as they pertain to any Mass Effect leaked information, feel free to leave ‘em down in the ‘comments’ section below.