Steam 2K Special and Weekend Deals | MOUSE n JOYPAD

2K Special and Weekend Deals


As PC gamers have come to expect, Steam has sales. Big news, I know. What you may not have known is that the publisher/developer company 2K are celebrating their 10th Anniversary this weekend, which gives gamers time to make massive savings across a lot of their games. Highlights include:

• The Bioshock Series: The critically acclaimed, story driven first person shooter series. The first two lets gamers delve into Rapture and discover who’s orchestrating the chaos in this underwater utopia. If you aren’t too keen of deep-sea diving, then ascend to the flying city of Columbia, and “wipe away the debt” in this mind-bending experience that by all means necessary you should not spoil for yourself. Each have 75% off, or nab them all in a bundle with 83% off the lot.

• Spec Ops: The Line: Discover the true meaning of being a war hero as you and your squad are sent to Dubai to rescue survivors of a sandstorm. Again, be wary not to spoil this for yourself. Save 80% this weekend.

• The Darkness II: It can be hard being the head of a Mafia gang. You need to know who to kill, who to save, and where your loyalties lie. For Jackie Estacado, things become a little more stressful when an ancient evil from before the dawn of light awakens within him. To make matters worse, some cooks want the Darkness for their own nefarious purposes, putting Jackie in a pickle. Another impressive saving of 80%.

• The Borderlands Series: Possibly 2K’s crowning glory, Borderlands puts you in the shoes of one of four Vault Hunters, sent to an alien planet to… hunt for a vault. These games are characterised by crazy characters, RPG elements and addictive shoot ‘n’ loot gameplay that will have you busy for hours trying to get the best weapons in the game.

• Oh and Evolve. But you all already know about that, so I don’t need to go into any further detail.

And it gets better. Until Monday, Killing Floor is absolutely free to play. This means the entire weekend can be dedicated to shooting, slicing, burning and exploding twisted monstrosities, without having to pay a penny! Not in a destructive mood? Then how about you get creative? Make your own civilisation and forge your own path with the “dictator simulator” Tropico 5! After the weekend, you may find that you want to keep playing these games. Well, for the duration of the weekend both of these also have a reduction of 75% on their prices. So there’s no excuse not to get them. Happy gaming!