The Witcher 3 PC Requirements | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Witcher 3 PC Requirements



If you’ve been drooling over The Witcher 3 screenshots, wondering if you’re going to be able to play this monstrous RPG on your twelve-year old typewriter, rest assured that the system requirements are indeed quite high.



Minimum System Requirements

Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz

AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940

Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660/AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870


OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)

DirectX 11

HDD Space 40 GB


Recommended System Requirements

Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz


Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770/AMD GPU Radeon R9 290


OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)

DirectX 11

HDD Space 40 GB

Granted, this is no Ubisoft, throwing around seemingly random specifications that have little to do with logic. The minimum processor and graphics card requirements seem ordinary, if you think about the amount of sandbox goodness that’s waiting to be enjoyed. What seems a tad strange to me, however, is that the minimal amount of required RAM is 6 gigs. With a fair amount of gamers still using only 4 GB, I’m wondering if this will be an issue. I remain optimistic, however, that I won’t be locked out of The Witcher 3 while stuck at college with my laptop. This is CD Project RED we’re talking about, after all.