TTR: World Tour Interview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Last week we were lucky enough to speak with Nick Burcombe, the creator of Table Top Racing: World Tour at EGX Rezzed in London. I spoke with Burcombe about the new racing game heading to consoles and how the development has differed from the mobile game that was released a couple of years ago, a game that was awarded editors choice by both Google and Apple.

Burcombe tells us about the dynamic environments in the game as well as the multiplayer plans for TTR: World Tour. I was told that the development team are focusing on the online side of multiplayer but Burcombe was very up front about taking feedback from the community and fans on board and moulding the game into what the gamers want to play.

Sadly I wasn’t able to get the interview on camera due to some technical difficulties but I did manage to get the audio and some gameplay from the title. So without further ado……