Month: May 2014

Wasteland 2 Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Wasteland 2 Preview     I’m pretty sure everybody knows about the Fallout franchise at this point, or at least about its newest, Bethesdian iteration. Now, Fallout had to get inspired by something, right? What we’ve got here is a direct successor to the first persistent post-apocalyptic RPG ever created – Wasteland 2. There’s a certain itch this game tries to scratch among the vete...[Read More]

The Fall – Developer Interview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Fall – Developer Interview   In case you’re interested in who will we be talking to, it’s John Warner from Over The Moon Games – the man behind the upcoming adventure/shooter/platformer hybrid, The Fall. In case you don’t know anything about the game yet, drop by to read my first impressions here. John and I spoke about the development and the creative process at work behind the sc...[Read More]


In case you’re interested in who will we be talking to, it’s John Warner from Over The Moon Games – the man behind the upcoming adventure/shooter/platformer hybrid, The Fall. In case you don’t know anything about the game yet, drop by to read my first impressions here. John and I spoke about the development and the creative process at work behind the scenes, as well as about some of his future pla...[Read More]

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Review   I’m sure you’ve all been faced with the classic problem; You decide to search online for a spell to banish your ball bag of a little brother to another dimension, find one, use it, realise it works, watch as he’s dragged through a portal in your bedroom by a giant hand, realise you’ve made a boo boo, immediately feel guilty, realise you’re a horri...[Read More]

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Gameplay | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Gameplay  2K Games and Gearbox today released a new gameplay video for Borderland The Pre-Sequel. This video is narrated by the guys at Gearbox and 2K Australia and is a whopping 15 minutes long. Originally part of the Pax East demo that was open to the public to play, we can now enjoy the complete playthrough without having to leave the comfort of your lazy-boy. The ...[Read More]


Weapons are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Wait, scratch that. Most weapons in games are so similar there’s arguably no difference between them. There are of course exceptions to this and I’m happy to run through some of them with you. I am listing my Top Ten Weapons from games, now these weapons may not be the most powerful but they are the ones that have stood out to me over the years. So st...[Read More]


Recently we were able to get some play time with The Evil Within, a horror survival game from Bethesda and Japanese studio Tango Gameworks.  Directed by Shinji Mikami, best known for the Resident Evil series is therefore no stranger when it comes to this genre. His other works include Vanquish and Ace Attorney. Before acquisition by ZeniMax Media, Mikami owned his own studio,Tango Gameworks. The h...[Read More]


It has been over 30 years since the Wolfenstein series of games began on the humble home computers of 1981. With 8 bit graphics, that we see still being used today in some titles to great effect. Castle Wolfenstein was hailed as the mother of the stealth genre when it was released in 1981, where limited ammo scattered throughout it’s 2D world often made the player take the silent approach to enemi...[Read More]

Wildlife Park 3 Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Wildlife Park 3 Review   The Wildlife Park series has always been among the black sheep of the ever growing tycoon games family. While each of the three currently released games has a great idea or two, the way they’re executed makes them less desirable than their devs would want them to be. I had my hopes high that this wouldn’t be the case with their third game, Wildlife Park 3, but alas...[Read More]


Director’s cuts have always been something of a gray area when it comes to games. Some games throw these things out for free, should the devs deem the additional money unnecessary. Some, however, try to sell the games again as a revamped package. Now, I won’t be going into the politics behind these procedures. It all comes down to what’s new after the update’s installed, and that’s what interests ...[Read More]

Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Review   Do you find farting and burping funny? Because Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion sure does. True to the title’s suggestion, should you try to play this game, you will find yourself caught up in gasses of the nastiest kind and smells none but the orcs could withstand. Thankfully, this is all just a visual representation and nothing terrible will happen to ...[Read More]

Shiny The Firefly Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Shiny The Firefly Review   Over the last few years I have noticed a severe lack of games being advertised for a child’s market. Whether that is through sheer ignorance or a total disinterest due to my age, beard and love of computer game violence, I am unable to tell you. Yet upon reviewing the following game an obvious revelation entered my mind. The market is well established and thriving fo...[Read More]

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