
Tickles Top 10 Gaming Adverts

I was talking to a friend of mine regarding the advert for The Elder Scrolls Online recently and from there we began discussing other gaming adverts or trailers that really hit us where we live. I decided I would make a list of my top ten favourite trailers. Let me be clear. This list is for the advert only and how good or bad the game turned out to be hasn’t been factored into this. So here’s my ...[Read More]

Don’t Blame Violent Video Games

A debate rages on, around the topic of video games. Namely, “Are violent video games a bad influence on children?” There are many, over-protective, naïve and, frankly, pathetically under-skilled parents, who believe that, yes, this is the case. It is true that some video games are hugely, gratuitously violent, but no amount of sweet head shots in Black Ops 2 can compete with the horrific violence ...[Read More]

Titanfall, Half A Game, Same Full Price

We have been sitting on our Titanfall review to test it out on full servers, just to see how they hold up to the pressure, and so far they have. We tested the Beta and loved every moment of it, as Titanfall does deliver a fresh take on a genre that needed a swift kick in the ass. We reviewed The Art Of Titanfall, and became even more excited to play the campaign with strange animals, vehicles and ...[Read More]

Where Games Are Going Wrong

In the gaming world today developers are racing to out do each other by trying to achieve the best visuals ever seen in video games, and are totally missing the whole point of gaming, FUN!. With this race to be super realistic, we are seeing more and more generic titles where we end up repeating the same gameplay with a different character in a new setting. Where has the emphasis gone on new, exci...[Read More]

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