Don’t Forget Quantum Break | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Don’t Forget Quantum Break



It’s been a couple of months since Remedy Entertainment released their tantalising sixteen-minute gameplay video for their upcoming Xbox One exclusive, Quantum Break. In spite of this, I find myself re-watching it and feeling just as excited as I did on its release. For me, it’s one of the most anticipated games of this year.

In an ever-evolving industry, developers are always seeking new and exciting ways to be unique. With Quantum Break, we’ll see Remedy attempting to bridge the gap between gaming and television, by releasing a Quantum Break TV series, to partner the game. Remedy have said that,

“How you play the game impacts the show, and the show informs how you play the game.”

The mind boggles at how this relationship might pan out, but it’s very encouraging to see games being pushed in new directions.

The game is based in and around the fictional North Eastern U.S. Riverport University. In the wake of a failed time travel experiment, time itself begins to break down. The game’s main characters, however, are granted unique powers, which allow them to manipulate time and the glitches being caused by the accident. These powers are used to aid their survival in the the harsh and dangerous game environment.

The last eighteen months have taught me to be wary of hype. Anyone who’s travelled to futuristic Chicago or Revolutionary Paris is sure to agree. However, I ask that you simply sit back, relax, close the curtains, light a candle, watch the video and pretend you’re a 1980s Scott Bakula. “Oh, boy!”

Quantum Break (not Leap) is due for release some time in 2015, exclusively on Xbox One.