Final Fantasy XIII’s Spec Problems | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Final Fantasy XIII’s Spec Problems



Looking at a games pc requirements can give you a sense of how many customization options you will have at your disposal upon release.

I’m actually pretty happy about the minimum requirements here. Many recent Ps3 and Xbox 360 ports have had much more demanding requirements even though they are dealing the the same target platforms they have for years. It shows that Final Fantasy XIII is likely/hopefully coming to PC well optimized. As a five year old game, they’ve had some time out iron out the kinks.

What I’m not as enthusiastic about are the recommended specifications. This list includes many of the components I had in my PC six years ago. It looks like we aren’t access to a whole lot of graphical tweaks, something that would interest folks who have already played the game. Those who had a passing interest in this game have probably already had a chance to play it, and hardcore fan playing on PC will likely appreciate the opportunity to push the existing visuals to the limit.

Based on this spec sheet we might have to wait for player mods before we see a significant difference between the PC and console version of this game. When my friends and I first played the game we were impressed by Final Fantasy XIII’s visuals, but we were already seeing them being eclipsed by existing PC games. I guess I’m still curious to see how this game could be taken further. It’s far from my favorite RPG. In fact, I find it’s characters and gameplay incredibly frustrating, but it’s both a visual and auditory delight, the kind of game that might find a good home in a graphics enthusiasts heart, even if it isn’t that fun to start with.