Microsoft Buys Minecraft Company For $2.5 bn – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Microsoft Buys Minecraft Company For $2.5 bn



In case you’ve been cut off from the rest of the Internet population up until now, it might come as a shock to you that the rumors of Microsoft buying Mojang and Minecraft are indeed true. Oh, wait, no. That’s a shock however and wherever you read it. But still, the deal was closed for 2.5 billion dollars and everybody’s favourite real life Umbrella corporation now owns the Minecraft brand. Even more interesting, all of Mojang’s founders have now left the company – a feat that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. Now, since Microsoft threw a whole boatload of money at Notch and the crew, one question pops up. How in god’s name do they plan to break even? Do they have a plan that will instantly make them at least 3 billion dollars richer with this brand? Whatever happens next, one thing’s for sure: Minecraft 2 will be an Xbox One exclusive*.


*same as the upcoming Tomb Raider game.