New Game Mode Coming in Rocket League | MOUSE n JOYPAD

With the remarkable success that Psyonix have had with Rocket League; which is highly sought after and has received numerous awards, they have decided to not only bring us iconic vehicles from the pop culture world (The Batmobile and the Delorean), but have now noted that the team is working on making a new mode for the game which may be named “Hoops”.

The game was originally shipped with one main mode which was football (or soccer), as well as several sub-modes which all enhance the basic concept in one way or another. It seems like Psyonix want to take the concept of sports and hamfist it into the fast-paced car bashing royale that Rocket League oh-so-clearly is. And it’s working out just fine! Psyonix have already released an additional free game mode earlier this year, which turned the stadium into a huge ice-rink and turned the ball into a puck. Should the upcoming follow suit, then we’re definitely in for a treat.

From the looks of the image that was posted by Rocket League’s Twitter, it seems that aerial control and manoeuvres will have a big part to play in this, so better start practising. We have yet to see any gameplay but from the looks of it, the mode is supposed to release this month with the motive being “March Madness”, where college basketball players have a tournament and some players are then drafted for the next season in the NBA. If so, then we should soon be seeing gameplay and gaining more information from Psyonix on this upcoming mode.

Psyonix have been listening to the community since day-one and have been adding free content to the game ever since its release as well. As a result, the game has generated over 70 million dollars for the devs, which is a far cry from the original budget of only two million. By increasing the game’s repertoire of game modes to be inclusive of basketball fans, the game is bound to garner even more attention from those who never enjoyed football much in the first place. Since there are few to no competitors, Rocket League is dominating the market on the Xbox One where it has over a million players.

As usual, stay tuned for more news on Rocket League right here at Mouse N Joypad.