Mouse n Joycast Episode 3 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Hurray! Hurray!Hurray! It’s the Mouse N Joycast Episode 3. This episode is brought to you buy the word ‘change’. That is change in format, change in number of people in the podcast, change in betterness. Starting this week, the Mouse N Joycast is pleased to welcome our newest members from the Mouse N Joypad squad: Trevor Anderson, Scott Davidson, and none other than the man himself, Bongo, alongside your usual duo: Hugh and Jordan. This week we talk a bout a few games no one has ever heard of, but should be playing *pssst…one of those games is called The Culling…you should play it. We ponder the existence of the Windows HoloLens after hearing of its abominable price tag. And nobody expects Kayne West to show up, but, dammit, he does. At least it is not without getting his due by podcast end.