Mouse N Joypad’s New Show ‘TrailerCade’ | MOUSE n JOYPAD

TrailerCade is Mouse N Joypad’s newest show and my attempt at bringing you the best trailers the internet has to offer. In this day and age, there’s simply an astronomical amount of new games hitting the market, with promotional videos released daily. Whether it be AAA titles like Fallout and Halo, or more obscure titles like Cuphead or The Flame In The Flood, I wanted to help lighten your daily search. I created the show, not just because I love sharing first looks at the newest upcoming games, but because a lot of these interesting titles are lost in the wake of the big boys.

In my first episode, which just so happened to launch right after Paris Games Week, I had a lot of trailers to choose from, including some really big name games. In this episode, we look at the launch trailers of Fallout 4, Dissidia: Final Fantasy and Mushroom 11. We also check out new premieres, like Detroit: Become Human, Shadow of the Beast, and The Coma. We also check out some beautiful Indie games hitting the market, including Prey For The Gods, No Man’s Sky and Furi.

Not only do we show trailers on the show, but I also throw in some interesting information about the titles as well, including development news, gameplay mechanics and fun facts. I research the game, so you don’t have to. We also give away stuff in our show to our loyal subscribers; this week it’s Inside My Radio, for the Xbox One.

While I enjoy showing off AAA titles, I know many of these hit your news feeds much faster than I can ever share them- I made this show for the lesser seen games. I’m not just talking about Indie titles either, but trailers that didn’t quite go as viral as the newest Mass Effect trailer. But of course, what kind of show would I be if I didn’t acknowledge the holiest of days; N7.

As the show progresses, I hope that you the fans will help it grow with us. Think we should focus less on big-budget titles? Want to see more mobile games or diversity in the coverage? Don’t trust the fortune teller machine in the background? Yeah- me neither. Whatever it may be, lay it on us. Only through your support and comments, we can make the show better. I know that gamers will love having an endless stream of new previews in one convenient video, and together we can make this show fantastic.

So, with that said- I’m proud to introduce TrailerCade. Please, if you enjoy this video, or even if you didn’t, leave us a comment to tell us what you think. If you did get a kick out of seeing all of the week’s best trailers in one video, make sure you share it with your friends and family. I hope you enjoy this new series and the wonderful new site we have to host it. Thank you for all of your support throughout the years, and make sure you keep reading Mouse N Joypad for all of your news, preview and reviews.