Trailercade Episode 3 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Another week, another episode of TrailerCade. Man, I’ll tell you- I thought putting a weekly show highlighting the world’s best video game trailers would be an easy addition to the site. Man was I wrong. A lot of work goes into it; research, collecting, researching, writing the script, failing at making it funny, spending five hours screaming at myself in the mirror, and then finally the editing! Seriously, it’s a tough- but you guys are worth it!

This week, I’ve put together a great collection of new trailers for you to scope out. Starting from the beginning, we have a new look at Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair. I’ve never been a huge fan of the franchise, but this new trailer does make it look fun and engaging.

After that it’s Nioh, an action adventure game that looks heavily inspired by Onimusha.

Then we show off Farcry Primal’s newest sneak peak, and we didn’t even release it early!

I think one of the more interesting games has got to be Dinocide. It’s heavily inspired by the tough as nails gameplay of the NES, and looks like it’s going to be a great homage to those classics.

Hollow Knight: Ferocious Foes however was one of the first trailers to ever take home (there is no physical trophy, so that’s kinda a lie) one of our newest additions, The Golden Coin Award. More a token really… Either way, we gave it to Hollow Knight because it reminded us so much of Castlevania, with the cuteness of Ori.

We also look at Skourge Legacy in this episode, and it’s crazy premise. This trailer hooked me instantly, and I can’t wait to see more on this series in the future.

Blue Rider was a strange addition, as it’s not fully a trailer, but we felt it deserved some attention.

Klaus– well, it’s just Klaus. I have no idea what’s going on in it, and I think that’s what they want, so- mission accomplished.

Ni no Kuni II makes me weep tears of happiness. I really enjoyed the first one, despite it’s limitations, and this new one seems to be heading in the right direction. It easily deserves a Golden Coin.

Vampyr is another entry that we felt deserved some showcasing, considering it’s unique style and interesting premise.

Mordheim: City of the Dead is another Warhammer Fantasy entry. It’s already out, and Gale has already reviewed it, if you want to check it out.

Another interesting title this week is Root, which is about a hacker breaking into a powerful organization. Sadly, it is not about farming.

And last but not least, Final Fantasy 7 gets its first legitimate trailer, and man does it look awesome. This was an easy choice to hand over a Golden Coin to.

Well, that’s about it- but honestly, why are you reading this? You should be watching these trailers! I can’t do them justice! You’re putting me on the spot, and I can’t deal with this. I’ve got to go. If you want to stay, fine- just watch the video, alright? Jeez… Like I have an ‘Amazing Moving Pictures’ machine for a reason, you know?