New Borderlands Title Coming Up After Battleborn | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Gearbox Software, the developers behind the critically acclaimed Borderlands series and BattleBorn, have officially announced at PAX EAST that they will start the development of Borderlands 3 after they wrap up BattleBorn and the DLC that is to come.

The CEO of Gearbox, Randy Pitchford, has exclaimed that it was “no secret, that there’s going to be another Borderlands game”. However, he also expressed that Borderlands 3 might not even be the title of the new game. “We don’t even know if we’re going to call it that. We could call it Borderlands 4 for all we know.” It is also worth noting that the art director of BattleBorn and Borderlands 2, Scott Kester, will also be holding the very same position during the development of the upcoming Borderlands title.

If you are a fan of the franchise, then the name of Scooter should ring a bell, being the beloved mechanic from the series created by Mikey Neumann of Gearbox fame. Neumann wrote the story of the first Borderlands game, as well as that of Brothers in Arms games, conceived the idea of including a new main character into the instalment, who would be the son of the mechanic, named Scooper. As quoted by Neumann, “I did this whole Scooter thing, then I pitch-shifted it up like seven semitones so it sounds like a chipmunk and it was the funniest thing I’d ever heard”, he wants to include this character to be canon to the series, however there is nothing official yet – just ideas.

BattleBorn being their latest title, which has receieved a mixed response so far, already has plenty of Borderlands Easter eggs and references, however Gearbox stated that future DLC is in the making and with these packs, we may well see “Borderlands 3” Easter eggs, showcasing what the new game will be about. Will it be a sequel to the pre-sequel, or will it be a whole new storyline that we don’t know yet, but since Scooter is being referenced, my guess is that it will be following the main storyline chronologically. Sadly, we have no release date confirmed yet, or the platforms that the game will be releasing on. However, it is definitely going to be available on PC and next-gen consoles, as said by the CEO. The rest is up in the air at this time.

Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming Borderlands title right here on Mouse N Joypad.