Pre-Alpha Build Of The ‘System Shock’ Remake Looks Amazing | MOUSE n JOYPAD

In my review of the ‘Enhanced’ version of ‘System Shock,’ which you can read here, I said that the experience was a look at the brilliance that’s been punished by time and innovation. The controls, which were refined in this updated version, were still too unintuitive, and the storyline was far too simple when compared to games like it’s spiritual successor Bioshock. After this video release however, I’m ready to cannonball back into the experience once again, because this footage looks absolutely stunning.

The trailer starts with a disclaimer, stating that the video is “pre-alpha demo video content,” and that it doesn’t “reflect the final game content.” What follows is a lovingly recreated look at a near identical replication of the original hallways, technology and obstacles in the game. I was amazed at how much they recaptured the original feel and tone of the classic, so hopefully the disclaimer is so they can make changes to the level design.

Navigating through Citadel Station, it would seem the developers have taken a streamlined approach to the HUD and user interface, focusing on a more combat-centric approach similar to Irrational Games’ controls. Despite this, the game seems to retain most of the iconic textures and unease that has made the original so beloved. The game trailer ends with SHODAN’s voice, “do you feel the fear swell inside,” an infamous line that questions the need for fearful humans in a digital world.

Nightdive Studios, a publisher similar to the film industry’s Criterion Collection, has been on a roll with releasing beloved content. They’ve put out Shadowman, Turok, the Humongous games, The 7th Guest, The 11th Hour, and the Tex Murphy series.

The group is also working on the new sequel, System Shock 3, which I wrote about here. The continuation of the story will be handled by “key members” of the original games, including developer Paul Neurath. Senior artist Nate Wells, who worked on System Shock 2, is also on board. The game was in the pre-production stages back in December of 2015, so it would seem this might be a good way of cutting the studio’s teeth on the high profile IP before releasing the sequel that fans have waited over 15 years to play.

So what do you think of the trailer? Let us know in the comments, and we can discuss what the future may hold for the series. For more news about games featuring murderous AIs, make sure you keep reading Mouse N Joypad; you filthy bags of meat.