As you might have concluded from the game’s title, Kill The Bad Guy is all about contemplating inconspicuous assassinations of criminals, mob bosses, murderers and such. These people are suspected of committing crimes that might cause a déjà vu when you read about them. See, this game isn’t too wise in the ways of being politically correct, and some of the facts *might* have been lifted from real-life happenings. To balance out the atrocities it sometimes describes, Kill The Bad Guy tries to be funny. Somehow, the missions descriptions are thus left as awkward pieces of text that will make you feel uneasy at times.

Disregarding the mission intros, however, the game can actually be pretty fun. With every level, you’re placed into a sandbox-ish level with several tasks to complete. Obviously, the most important one is to murder your target in a way that makes it look like an accident. Kinda. But this quest is complemented by such jolly features as is collecting a rocket-propelled (seriously) tooth from your victim or finding his passport randomly placed somewhere on the map. These tasks add dynamism to what is otherwise a strangely static game. The first thing I thought Kill The Bad Guy would be is a proper sandbox in which I would be able to build my own elaborate accident machines to eliminate the target with, and that would have been awesome. However, this is not the case, as you will only rarely have an opportunity to use your own creativity for nefarious goals. This is not bad, mind you, just disappointing. And while the devs have done a good job of coming up with the wacky kill contraptions, the thing is, these machinations will only be interesting during the first playthrough.

The gameplay itself consists of your target passing through the level, all the while you try to figure out a way to kill the bugger. At its core, Kill The Bad Guy is a glorified puzzle game, so you’ll have to combine some objects, rig something to explode during a set time period or aim some ingenious (albeit highly impractical) device properly to complete the mission. It’s good, somewhat light-hearted fun. And with cool ragdolls and pretty blood splatter effects, utterly destroying the Bad Guy will always feel good.

Graphically, this game might very well disappoint you. While I can understand the motives behind the decision to use such minimalistic texturing, Kill The Bad Guy’s atmosphere could have gone to great lengths had it been sufficiently built upon. In case you’re interested, check out the game’s Steam page for some very, very atmospheric artwork. That’s what I was hoping for. As it currently stands, the game’s levels don’t feel like city blocks or streets, but boxy corridors with more or less randomly placed points of interest. Of course, texturing the game would bring about some other issues, such as vastly increased difficulty in finding interactive objects, so there’s that.

At the time of writing, the game has sixty levels to choose from, and some of them are a fairly simple endeavour. The more complicated ones, however, will require some planning to eliminate the targets. The learning curve is nicely implemented and will teach you how to use most of the devices you’ll be killing with. Up until the very end, you’ll keep finding new traps and „traps“, so the game does a good job of keeping the player at it. Sadly, once you finish everything it has to offer, Kill The Bad Guy stops being a casual boredom-killer that it initially is. Simple enough, there’s little reason to come back to the game other than to collect some achievements, of which it does offer a fair number.

In the end, Kill The Bad Guy indeed feels as if its place is on Android or iOS. While its features are fairly limited and relatively bland, it offers a quite decent change of pace from the other games on the market. After all, it’s a somewhat wacky murder sim, and with some additional work could be one of those indie hits we get from time to time. My suggestion to the players – wait for the price to drop to 10 bucks, then try it out. My suggestion to the devs – port it to mobile devices.