It’s that time of year again and E3 is just around the corner. There have been a lot of leaks over the last couple of weeks, as there always is, and unlike last year the focus for E3 seems to be firmly set on games.

I have no insider knowledge as to exactly what the big companies are going to announce this year but it is time for the obligatory E3 Predictions. We don’t have long to wait to see if any of these are right but let me share what I think we are going to see.

No. 10

Watch Dogs 2

I know that Watch_Dogs has only just been released but if there’s one thing that Ubisoft love, its franchises. We were told last year that Ubisoft have no interest in making single games so with the success of Watch_Dogs I wouldn’t be surprised to see a sequel in the works.




No. 9

Left For Dead 4

We have long suspected that a new Left 4 Dead game is in development and I think that this is the year it will be officially announced. In all likelihood it won’t be released until 2015 but I think it’s a safe bet we will see a teaser trailer. Bring on the co-op zombie killing!




No. 8

Forza Horizon 2

I predict that this will be announced at this year’s E3. There are many people that believe this is already in the works and the timing would certainly fit the annualised pattern that Forza has been adhering to over the last few years. Start your Engines.




No. 7

Half Life 3

Every year this game will pop up in the predictions, every year there’s no announcement, why is this year any different? It probably isn’t, but we can live in hope. Fans have been waiting for Half Life 3 for a decade, how much longer will they have to wait?




No. 6

Fable Legends Release Date.

Fable Legends was announced last year and since then we have seen precious little of what it will have to offer. It has had enough time in development now that I think the developer will have enough to show some gameplay, talk about some of the features and give us, at the very least, a release window.




No. 5

MGS: The Phantom Pain Controversy.

We already know that a new MGS game is coming and this week Hideo Kijima said that the new trailer will be “Tough to Watch”. This prediction has more to do with the reaction to the announcement and trailer than the game itself. Kijima took a rather controversial approach in the story to Ground Zeroes and I can’t help but think that this new trailer may get some negative focus. I hope I’m wrong.



No. 4

Xbox to announce Indie Partnerships.

I think that Xbox are going to announce new Indie partnerships and expand on their relationship with these developers. After Last year’s AAA fest there were a lot of people that felt that Microsoft were ignoring the little guys, I think that will change.



No. 3

Fallout 4

Rumours have been running rampant about this game over the last year or so with a fake countdown to an announcement and much speculation. A Fallout game for the Xbox One and PS4 would be spectacular, the fans clearly want it and with the amount of talk that has been generated Bethesda would be naive not to announce this game.



No. 2

Sony Unveils Exclusives.

Last year Sony were widely considered to have “won” with their conference (mostly to the multiple gut punches they dealt Microsoft), but the one major complaint that I heard was that other than a couple of titles Sony had very few exclusive games. This year I think Sony will change that, I think they will announce several exclusive titles to PlayStation 3, 4 and Vita and show that their console and games can compete with the Xbox One and not simply their business plan.



No. 1

Halo Master Chief Collection.

There’s been some talk recently about Xbox releasing another “Anniversary” edition for Halo, it would make sense for this to be Halo 2 but we have heard that it may not be all we are getting. The Halo Master Chief collection will supposedly include all of the Halo games that feature John 117, Halo 1, 2, 3 and 4. I think this will be released on the Xbox One and will probably be on sale in November 2014.



Well that’s it, for what it’s worth, my top ten E3 Predictions for this year. What do you think? Is there anything you are convinced we will see? Or do you think I am off base?

Let us know in the comments below.