Tickles Top 10s


Not every game you are likely to play is going to be great, hell, some will be downright terrible. Usually these games have clear warning signs and the savvy gamer can avoid these titles pretty easily. Sadly that’s not always the case and when the hype machine starts working overtime on a game it’s a safe bet that some of us will be fooled. There have been a few titles recently that have been pret...[Read More]

Tickles Top 10 Destiny Tips – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Tickles Top 10 Destiny Tips     Destiny is here and while it’s not necessarily living to all of the hype I don’t think anyone can dispute that the minute to minute gameplay is amazing. I’ve played through the entire story, all of the strikes and countless patrol missions so I can bring you the tricks of the Guardian trade. I’ve pu...[Read More]

Tickles Top Ten Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are great aren’t they? With their lovely chocolate goodness… no not that kind of Easter egg. I am of course talking about Easter eggs that are found in games, excellent secret messages, hidden areas, complete silliness and in some cases outright insults to other games. Pretty much every game will have some kind of Easter Egg these days and I am here to list ten of my favourites. It...[Read More]


We all love playing as the hero in our favourite games, we are more than happy to come in to save the day, get the girl and stop the bad guy, but what about that bad guy? The villains in games get a hell of a hard time and without them there would be no game so I thought I’d list my top ten villains in gaming. I’m going to throw out a few ground rules here, firstly, I am only picking villains from...[Read More]


Another E3 has come and gone, as sad as it is to see it go we have been shown what is in store for us for the next year and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these games. After last year’s tech heavy announcements what with the release of the Xbox One and PS4 it’s good to get back to seeing some kick ass games. Some of the entries on the list were simple trailers and some have been chosen fr...[Read More]


It’s that time of year again and E3 is just around the corner. There have been a lot of leaks over the last couple of weeks, as there always is, and unlike last year the focus for E3 seems to be firmly set on games. I have no insider knowledge as to exactly what the big companies are going to announce this year but it is time for the obligatory E3 Predictions. We don’t have long to wait to see if ...[Read More]


Weapons are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Wait, scratch that. Most weapons in games are so similar there’s arguably no difference between them. There are of course exceptions to this and I’m happy to run through some of them with you. I am listing my Top Ten Weapons from games, now these weapons may not be the most powerful but they are the ones that have stood out to me over the years. So st...[Read More]


If you’re anything like me when you go into a store to buy a game you will probably utter the same curse as I do. Games are expensive and while a lot of games will give you adequate returns on your investment there are some that will try bleed you dry. This is a list of my top ten Cash-cow “cons” in the gaming industry. No. 10 Limited Editions   Ok so before anyone misunderstands, I’m not tal...[Read More]


Deaths in video games are a fairly common occurrence, with the huge number of shooters and role playing games the story is often progressed by the death of a character. I decided to list my top ten deaths in gaming. I have only picked from games that I have played and I have tried to stay away from new releases. That being said, there will spoilers so read on at your own risk.   No. 10 Sarah ...[Read More]


With the upcoming releases of games like The Crew, Destiny and The Division there is a lot of talk about titles that will change the landscape of gaming. So I thought to myself, “Tickles, you’ve seen a lot over the years. What are the biggest game changers that you’ve seen?” Well here it is. My top ten game changers. No. 10 Mass Effect trilogy – Continuity. Never before had we seen a game not only...[Read More]