Month: May 2014

Strata Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Strata Review  When reviewing a developer’s portfolio it can often be misleading and unrepresentative to the current regime or bodies of work. Certainly, when a company develop and expand its workforce, projects can often drift into creative opportunities formally left untouched. This can be an issue for independent game companies as their current projects are often distorted by the audience’...[Read More]

Peggle 2 Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Peggle 2 Review   Peggle 2 is the sequel to the 2007 cult classic and aptly-named Peggle. For those uninitiated with the Peggle Universe, it’s essentially the most fun you can have sober and clothed (although neither are pre-requisites for playing, unless there are kids around. In which case, put some knickers on, you monster). In many ways, it’s standard fare in casual puzzle terms and mo...[Read More]

Flockers Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  Flockers Preview  Sheep. You’re a gamer, so what’s your first association with sheep? If it’s ‘weaponized’, you’re on the right track, friend. What we’ve got coming with Flockers is a small slice of the fabled Worms universe. Specifically, the one that tells the story of how all those sheep you’ve shot, flown, blown and thrown got their training. You’ve guessed it – Tea...[Read More]

Kinect Is Essential To Xbox One

The internet is alive with news reports of Microsoft’s announcement that it will unbundle the Kinect sensor from the Xbox One. This seems to be an answer to Sony’s domination of the market, with PS4. Xbox again are backtracking to save face, and try to claw it’s way back to the top. It was pointed out to me recently, by Gale another writer here at Mouse n Joypad, about some of the real affects thi...[Read More]


The Amazing Spider Man 2 is another one of those games that have become common place, releasing in time to not only promote the movie tie-in, but also maximise the profits that can be squeezed from the fans of the franchise. The game starts off using the plot of the movie, but soon falls into the trap of being dull, uninspiring and quite frankly a down right terrible experience. Over the years we ...[Read More]

Do Gamers Disappoint Themselves?

E3 is fast approaching and it’s usually at this time of year that we as gamers get our first look at the games that will be hitting our shelves in the next year or so. It’s like Christmas for us and I’m sure I’m not alone when I start to make my wish list on the back of what we have seen at E3. This is not without its problems and I think, our reactions to the trailers we see is a huge factor in o...[Read More]


If you look really carefully, every gamer is belonging to one of two opposite schools of thought. There’s the more casual gaming crowd, who prefer their games easy, so that they can enjoy the storylines and characters to their fullest. On the other side, we have the hardcore dudes who find themselves preferring a more challenging experience. As weird as this might sound, The Impossible Game can be...[Read More]


Deaths in video games are a fairly common occurrence, with the huge number of shooters and role playing games the story is often progressed by the death of a character. I decided to list my top ten deaths in gaming. I have only picked from games that I have played and I have tried to stay away from new releases. That being said, there will spoilers so read on at your own risk.   No. 10 Sarah ...[Read More]


In this edition of This is Your Game, I’ll be discussing the grand daddy of gaming characters; namely, Pac-Man. When it comes to the most iconic and influential gaming characters of all time, Mr P. Man is always one of the first names to come to mind. After all, he was the first, the innovator, the original and the forefather. If gaming was a religion (it should be), then Pac-Man would be, if not ...[Read More]

Gray Matter Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Gray Matter Review   Quickly, how many of you know who Jane Jansen is? Raise your hands, please. Yeah, I’m kidding, I can’t see you either way, so you can put them down. If you’re an old school adventure gamer, there’s a good chance you’ve been a fan of her work. I’m talking about the legendary Gabriel Knight series, of course. Jansen hasn’t had any newer projects, aside from the o...[Read More]

Bound By Flame Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Bound By Flame Review   I’ve been checking Bound by Flame out ever since the first gameplay trailer emerged. Funny thing with RPGs such as this is that their trailers always show them at their best, with attacks connecting perfectly and a minimal amount of glitches. This has been true for as long as I can remember, with both The Witcher and Dragon Age: Origins falling into the same trap. Whatâ...[Read More]