Month: June 2014

Insert Coin Release Saints Row Line | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Insert Coin Release Saints Row Line     The guys over at Insert Coin have released their Saints Row clothing line on the public. Insert Coin is the leading name in high-quality video game apparel and accessories, concentrating on what gamers want, which allows the company to transform designs into wearable fashion that lets people show off their gamer pride in style. With o...[Read More]

Qvadriga Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Qvadriga Review   Variations on a genre or a concept can be extremely different, especially given time and creative thinkers. For example, top down, or an eagle eye view, has always been a popular view for strategic games due to the nature of the genre and the availability of information from such a sight. Some developers may capitalize on this trend by making you, the player, a god-like entity...[Read More]


Few games over the years have made it into the list of what I would deem as a true survival horror, and fewer still have totally scared the crap out of me. Outlast is a game that now tops that list both on a scary level and on being a true survival horror. In fact, this game has probably scared me as much as any great horror movie I have ever watched. The developers of Outlast, Red Barrels, are ma...[Read More]


We all love playing as the hero in our favourite games, we are more than happy to come in to save the day, get the girl and stop the bad guy, but what about that bad guy? The villains in games get a hell of a hard time and without them there would be no game so I thought I’d list my top ten villains in gaming. I’m going to throw out a few ground rules here, firstly, I am only picking villains from...[Read More]

Hazard Ops Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Hazard Ops Preview    Hazard Ops is a third person online shooter developed by Yingpei Games, The game is in the Beta test phase of development at the moment but I was lucky enough to get access and here’s my impressions so far. First of all there is a back story to Hazard Ops that the game itself doesn’t really go into but you can read up on the story from the Hazard Ops website. “It’s...[Read More]

Cosmic DJ Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Cosmic DJ Preview   A lot can be said for uniqueness. Whether it be the concept, gameplay or another important aspect of gaming, there is something special about an idea that has been previously untouched. As gamers we often witness botched imitations of certain game mechanics that only help solidify the original title’s strength in the industry, which can often create a negative impression su...[Read More]

Xenonauts Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Xenonauts Review   The hardest part in any X-COM-alike game for me has always been the beginning. Not only are you severely underpowered and mostly oblivious to the alien threat, but you also have to quickly catch up with all the complicated mechanisms that make up the game’s deep gameplay experience. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll have to do that two times over since the game basically...[Read More]

Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Preview    Don’t you just love games with generic titles? I mean, when you name a game, you’re basically giving it a tag that’s going to be the difference between people forgetting about it and mixing it with other titles, or make it memorable and snappy. Now, not everybody can get this right. GamesFarm, the devs of Shadows, seemingly have some trouble with this...[Read More]

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Linux Release | MOUSE n JOYPAD

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Linux Release   The predominant focus for PC gaming has always been in the hands of Microsoft and today is a prime example. As the Steam summer sale has begun and gamer’s wallets have rapidly emptied and our paychecks all but deceased, you begin to realize the shocking lack of titles awarded to Mac and Linux users. In the short term this may be a benefit for these consume...[Read More]

Enemy Front Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Enemy Front Review   War sells games, that’s a fact! Whether it is fighting on the battlefields of World War II, or fighting an alien army on some far fetched planet, it sells! Enemy Front is no different, going for the age old ‘defeat the Nazis by any means possible’ approach. To make a good shooter it has to be believable, it has to make you feel like you are in that war zone fightin...[Read More]


Codemasters have built up a die hard fan base when it comes to the Grid series of games, a fan base that was sore to say the least at Grid 2. Codemaster admitted to going in a different direction in Grid 2, one that lost some realism and caused outrage among the fans. With Grid Autosport they hope to re-establish the series and bring those fans back into the fold. We had the chance to get some han...[Read More]

Watch Dogs Suspicion

Why did Ubisoft hide Watch Dogs’ true graphics potential?     As you might have realised from our Watch Dogs coverage, we at Mouse ‘n’ Joypad pretty much adore the game. However, in the recent days there have been some worrying advancements on uncovering the game’s final development stretch. A modder going by the name of The Worse has been doing his best to upgrade the game’s visual qual...[Read More]

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