

Uncharted 4: A Thiefā€™s End has proven to be one of the seriesā€™ high points and a grand way to send off one of the most iconic characters in gaming. For years, Nathan Drake has defined what an action hero should be; brave, fearless, strong, and grounded in reality. Even though Nathan and his counterparts share the limelight, it is the diabolical villains that truly elevate a story about friendship ...[Read More]


Despite being the principal consumers in a global market worth $83.6billion as of 2014, the value of which is expected to increase to $113billion by 2020, gamers are relatively powerless when it comes to shaping policy or politics. People know about us but the Chancellor is highly unlikely to consider PSN customers in his next budget and it would surprise me if the guys at Valve had a direct line ...[Read More]


I donā€™t think it would be a bold statement to suggest that 2015 was a great year for video games. No matter what console you owned, there was a bit of something for everyone. Hell, even Wii U got a handful of games that might now solidify spending the money to buy the console. Though, Iā€™m going to go on a bit of whim here and say that 2015 saw the best conglomerate of releases since probably 2010 ...[Read More]


As I play through the most recent Zombie apocalypse game, Dying Light from Techland, it occurs to me that we as a society have somewhat of an unhealthy fascination with these undead creatures that bring about the end of the world as we know it. It seems to me that we are constantly bombarded by all forms of media including movies and games depicting our world coming to an end in this horrific and ...[Read More]

Scottā€™s Game of the Year Nomination

2014 has been an interesting year for the gaming community but it has lacked any standout winner in terms of actual games. There have been a lot of ā€œGoodā€ games but not many ā€œGreatā€ ones so it has made the choice for game of the year a harder one than I would have expected if you had asked me in January. My nomination for the Mouseā€™Nā€™Joypad Game of The Year 2014 award is: Alien Isolation. The game...[Read More]

The Dilemma Behind Buying Re-Releases

Itā€™s only natural for people to want to extract as much value as they can out of their work. We all do it in one way or another, but as far as gaming scene goes ā€“ milking is something we all dread. However, weā€™ve been put up with it for quite a while now. Franchises that should have been left alone have withered and fallen into obscurity when developers/publishers decided that the brand needs to b...[Read More]

Why I Love Steam

Thereā€™s a reason people love Steam. It may not beĀ all that dependable, it may not beĀ goddamn perfect, but itā€™s sleek, itā€™s nice and it keeps ALL of your games nicely prepped up for playing. Thereā€™s a reason people donā€™t love Origin. Do you know what that is? Itā€™s not a bad service per se, not by a long shot. Itā€™s nice, theyā€™ve got sales and all that. But the thing is ā€“ itā€™s not Steam. It forces me...[Read More]

Independent Websites Being Pushed Out

Over this last year we have noticed a big change in the industry, a change that seems to beĀ growing at an alarming rate. Big businesses have taken over andĀ are currently pushing independent websites out of the picture. Since the start of this year many major publishers and developers have seemingly colluded and no longer give support to independent websites wishing to reviewĀ their products. Why do...[Read More]


We are at the wonderful part of the gaming calendar, we know whatā€™s coming after E3, PAX and GamescomĀ and now all we have to do is sit tight and wait on the games we are most excited about. Every gamer knows that this time of year is when all of the big titles and the hotly anticipated games come out of the woodwork for the Christmas rush. We are all gamers here at Mouse n Joypad.com and we know t...[Read More]

Kinect Is Essential To Xbox One

The internet is alive with news reports of Microsoftā€™s announcement that it will unbundle the KinectĀ sensor from the Xbox One. This seems to beĀ an answer to Sonyā€™s domination of the market, with PS4. Xbox again are backtracking to save face, and try to claw itā€™s wayĀ back to the top. It was pointedĀ out to me recently, by Gale another writer here at Mouse n Joypad, about some of the real affects thi...[Read More]

Do Gamers Disappoint Themselves?

E3 is fast approaching and itā€™s usually at this time of year that we as gamers get our first look at the games that will be hitting our shelves in the next year or so. Itā€™s like Christmas for us and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not alone when I start to make my wish list on the back of what we have seen at E3. This is not without its problems and I think, our reactions to the trailers we see is a huge factor in o...[Read More]

The five games Iā€™m most looking forward to

Letā€™s start off with one of the most hyped up cross platform games there has been in recent years, Watch Dogs, Iā€™m both looking forward to and wary of Ubisoftā€™s open world adventure set in a near future Chicago. The game puts you in control of Aiden Peirce a skilled hacker with a troubled past who is out for vengeance due to losing his family. As Aiden youā€™ll be able to use his hacking skills in t...[Read More]

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