Defiant Working On Hand of Fate 2 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Defiant Development working on

Hand of Fate 2



In an Interview the creative director and founder of Defiant Development, Morgan Jaffit mentioned a sequel to the indie gem Hand of Fate. Released back in February with the assistance of both Kickstarter and Steam early access, Hand of Fate came out to positive reviews and respectable success. Hand of Fate is a tricky game to define, being a deck builder/card game/ action RPG of sorts, with such creativity lending to its many appraisals.

Since its official release out of Steam early access Defiant Development has continued to release updates and free DLC for the game. When asked about if there will be any more DLC, Morgan Jaffit said,

“What we’ve done now is we’ve taken all of the feedback that we’ve gotten along the way, good, bad and ugly, and rolled that in and we’re starting work on a sequel, so that’s where most of our focus is now. We’ve got some patches and drops still coming for Hand of Fate but no big substantial bit of content and part of that is because the stuff we wanted to do we could only do justice to by reaching in and building it out for a sequel.”

Along with the thousands of positive reviews from players and critics it’s really no surprise Defiant has decided to go ahead and try for a sequel. So far there is nothing more than the announcement for Hand of Fate 2, but it seems it will be following its original in many ways except that it will not have a Kickstarter, but will again use the early access of steam and has been planned to put use to the new Xbox early access.

All of this may be a bit surprising when one realizes that Hand of Fate was such a huge risk for Defiant. Barely passing beyond its Kickstarter goal and being self-published, now seems to have been worth the risk with Jaffit continuing,

“We kind of rolled the dice on Hand of Fate. It was our big bet. It’s earned enough to pay for the next one. That’s all we really want as a studio is to be able to keep making the games that we want. The funny thing is if we’d done a deal with a publisher then it wouldn’t have paid for itself and we’d be back to a publisher on the next deal. Because we self-published it and took on all the development costs ourselves it’s therefore our reward and that’s enabled us to make another one.”

The general difficulty for smaller indie games to be put on any sort of consoles speaks much for the quality and creativity that Hand of Fate delivers. As well with Deviant’s continuous support of their game and the numerous possibilities of the basic concept of the original, Hand of Fate 2 will likely be able to match if not surpass the quality of its predecessor.