Divinity Original Sin Gets Updated – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Divinity Original Sin Gets Updated



Whaddaya know, Divinity: Original Sin has proven to be quite an achievement for the devs, especially after the extremely successful Kickstarter campaign. Being awesome and true to their promises, Larian has released a pretty big update that practically doubles the amount of followers available in the game.

The first of the two new characters is Wolgraff, the mute burglar. Since his original plan -join the Order- failed due to his lack of vocal skills, he turned around to embrace the life of crime. Swen Vincke, the boss of Larian, said that Wolgraff may still be a good guy deep down. Judging by the rest of the game, that will depend of each player’s actions towards this interesting new character.

The second follower is a Loremaster ranger raised by the wandering druids. She goes by the name of Bairdotr, is immune to Rot and tries to find and rescue her adoptive father from his kidnappers. Jolly good!

Naturally, the update is completely free and also revamps the way dialogues work. If you haven’t read it yet, check out our review of the game right here.