Armchair Generals Episode 5

Welcome back to Armchair Generals, the Generals have had a break over the festive period and they return with a run-down of their gaming highlights from 2015. In a different format, this episode shows some of the biggest games of last year and The Generals talk about what these games mean to them.

The Generals discuss huge titles as Fallout 4, Beyond Eyes, FIfa and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. This is a candid chat between two friends talking about gaming, what more could you possibly want? There are spoilers in this episode so if you are yet to play any of these games watch at your own risk.

Scott Davidson talks about his time with Halo 5: Guardians and Dying Light and Ally Begbie returns to the series with his input of Ori and The Blind Forest and Black Ops 3 among others. Make sure to check back in two weeks for your chance to win a Founders Pack for the Warhammer 40K MMO: Eternal Crusade.

For all this and more, make sure you like, comment and subscribe and check back next time. Until then, let us know, what was your favourite game form last year? What are you looking forward to this year? Let us know and get involved to tell us what YOU want to see in the next episode.