Neverending Nightmares Chills Steam – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Neverending Nightmares, a psychological

horror game comes to Steam



A new psychological horror game, Neverending Nightmares, has just been released for Steam PC and the Ouya platform.

Play as Thomas, a mentally disturbed man doomed to night after night of unending nightmares, stuck in a state between sleep and sleeplessness, each new nightmare unequalled by those that came before it. Help Thomas evade the terrors of the surreal horrors that plague his dreams…or is it reality? And find out the truth of the terrifying experience that Thomas is going through.

Inspired by developer Matt Gilgenbach’s own struggle with mental illness, Neverending Nightmares hopes to help raise awareness and create empathy about the experiences that mentally ill people go through. Its black and white hand drawn graphics style, interspersed with the occasional red of a burning candle stick or the reddish tint of blood is certainly an interesting departure from what gamers are used to, but appears to work well in creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Equally unsettling is the game music by IGF nominated composer Skyler McGlothlin, who delivers a haunting and oppressive dark ambient score. Watch the trailer below and decide for yourself if the game won’t send chills down your spine:

With over 70 positive user reviews being submitted on Steam since its release date on the 26th September, Neverending Nightmares looks to be a game worth exploring just for the creepy story of a tortured soul it aims to tell.

The game will be on sale at 10% off during its first week of release, retailing at USD$13.49 (off the usual USD$14.99)