Month: February 2016

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  Trulon: The Shadow Engine is going to be a hard review for me. I’ve been sitting here for the past ten minutes, trying to figure out how to start one of those reviews where I talk out of both sides of my mouth. I guess I should just warn you, Trulon made me fall in love with some of it’s ingenious game design, but then shake my head at the experience’s many missteps. I love the card b...[Read More]


If you were around during the dark days of the Cold War, you might remember the unspoken, lingering unease that saturated the world for half a century. You would think that a game set during this time of extreme distrust would focus heavily on relations between the USA and the USSR. If we are honest, Reagan Gorbachev could have easily been based on a generic steroid taking beefcake blasting away t...[Read More]


I’m a big fan of structure, and that’s one of the reasons I like games such as The Solus Project. For a while now, we’ve been getting sandbox titles that had little to no form – true to their name – and while this is fine for when you just want to have fun and ignore the loosely strewn together storyline, a gaming session in which a person is properly invested in whatever title he or she is playin...[Read More]

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  If someone asked me about my favourite intellectual properties I’m positive Warhammer 40K would be one of the top three. My obsession with this universe goes into the early days of my gaming career, when Dark Crusade was the first RTS I really got into on PC – this made me look into the universe of Warhammer and read up on lore. In an instant, I was sold. It’s not strange, then, that ...[Read More]

Mouse n Joycast Episode 2 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Welcome back peoples. Here be episode 2 of what we’re still dubbing Mouse n Joycast until either one of us his stricken with a mid-dream epiphany for a more suitable name. And, yes, you are correct in noticing that we skipped last week; that was solely due to me getting a terrible cold that included, but was not limited to, a fever. In this weeks episode I go into further detail than I thought I...[Read More]

Grim Dawn Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  I’m a huge fan of ARPGs. By huge, I mean something along the lines of spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours in games such as Diablo 2, Torchlight, Titan Quest and lately, Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2. It’s a genre that’s a awfully simple when you think about it, yet is perfectly designed to satisfy our monkey brains in many ways other games cannot. You select or build a character that...[Read More]

Armchair Generals Episode 7 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Welcome back to Armchair Generals! In this week’s episode, the Generals talk about their expectations and thoughts on Far Cry Primal. The Generals disagree on the overall gameplay of the franchise but get distracted before things can get too argumentative. Returning viewers will remember that in the last episode, we were giving away a code to access the Warhammer 40,000 MMO: Eternal Crusade. A w...[Read More]

Heaven’s Hope Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  It wasn’t until I, a wingless and desperate angel, was confessing my sins in a small confessional that I realized how earnest Heaven’s Hope was trying to be. Before that, the game had left me going through the standard motions of a point and click adventure game- but at this moment, I felt the developer’s intent with the game. I fully realized the allegorical nature Mosaic Mask Studio...[Read More]

Team Fortress 2 Gets Competitive | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Valve’s FPS Classic to Gain a New Mode Based Around Competitive Play   Unless you’re fairly new to the internet, you’ve likely already heard about the cartoonishly violent team-based shooter, Team Fortress 2. Receiving near universal amounts of praise in its nine years of existence, and with dozens of content updates keeping gameplay fresh and exciting, itâ...[Read More]


Today, Ubisoft released a short documentary video exploring the recreation of the Stone Age that players will experience in Far Cry Primal. What does it take to create a game set 10 000 years ago? The creation of a brand new language, Wenja, based on the Proto-Indo-European language, was an essential part of the process to achieve the level of realism and authenticity the team wanted for the game....[Read More]

New Features for Samurai Warriors 4 Empires Revealed | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Koei Tecmo America have just announced new info on the new Character Substitution, Castle Customization features in their upcoming strategy game, Samurai Warriors 4 Empires. The former of the two features, Character Substitution, is essentially allows players to customize nearly every aspect of their character’s abilities and appearance. The press release from Koei Tecmo gives more details as to...[Read More]

Team17 and Roll7 To Release OlliOlli2 and NOT A HERO on Xbox One | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Award winning veteran games developer and international games label Team17 have today announced its partnership with the BAFTA Award Winning independent studio Roll7, to publish the definitive versions of OlliOlli2 and NOT A HERO on Xbox One. Drop in to Olliwood in OlliOlli2: XL Edition and prepare for finger-flippin’ mayhem in this incredible sequel to the cult smash hit OlliOlli! In the ...[Read More]