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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review

They say that you should never meet your heroes. This was the one, overriding thought that was looping in my mind as I finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I love the Metal Gear games and Metal Gear Solid was the title that moulded me into a gamer. I remember watching as Snake dueled with Revolver Ocelot, the epic showdown with Metal Gear Rex and frantically trying to beat the Ninja in S...[Read More]

Ubisoft 2016 Press Conference Video Recap

E3 is a busy time of the gaming calendar, with so many conferences and news stories bouncing around it is easy for the average Joe to miss something that could be a potential game-changer. At Mouse N Joypad we pride ourselves on making sure that doesn’t happen. Scott Davidson, Editor at Mouse N Joypad, breaks down the Ubisoft 2016 Press Conference for you in this video, recapping all of the majo...[Read More]

Arma 3: Apex Release Date Confirmed

Bohemia Interactive have announced that their newest Arma 3 expansion, named “Apex”, will be launching on July 11th. The news came by way of the PC Gaming Show and was one of the highlights of that particular E3 showcase. As well as a brand new 100 KM map players can now experience new weapons and vehicles as well as a new cooperative campaign. Bohemia’s new expansion will be foc...[Read More]

EA E3 Press conference recap 2016

Scott Davidson AKA the Grumpy Old Gamer (and Editor) brings you a video recap of the EA Press conference 

Standby for Titanfall 2

During their E3 press conference, Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts officially announced that Titanfall 2 will drop worldwide on October 28th, 2016. We know that Titanfall 2 will release on Xbox One, PC, and for the first time for the franchise, will be launching on PlayStation 4. The highly-anticipated first-person shooter is set to build on the foundation that Respawn established with th...[Read More]