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The Crew Beta Impressions | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Crew Beta Impressions   Upon booting up The Crew, I was treated to a long disclaimer asking me to refrain from forming or sharing an opinion based on this beta experience. This coupled with the fact that the review embargo is lifting after release, and that no major outlet is getting a copy until launch was all enough to destroy my confidence in The Crew. It’s a shame that The Crew is rele...[Read More]

Beyond Flesh And Blood Enigma Trail | MOUSE n JOYPAD

EXCLUSIVE BEYOND FLESH AND BLOOD ENIGMA TRAIL SERIES RELEASED FOR SEASONAL WEEKEND  In support of Cyber Monday, a series of mini-trailers have been released this weekend across YouTube in support of Manchester’s mech-epic, Beyond Flesh and Blood. Below you will find our exclusive trailer, can you find the clue and decipher the rest of them to find out more about Beyond Flesh And Blood. Contain...[Read More]

Skyforge Unleashes The Berserker | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Skyforge Unleashes The Berserker  Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment have revealed one of Skyforge’s advance class – the Berserker. Quick to anger and ruthless on the battlefield, the Berserker is proficient at carving through enemies with their super-heated blade. Fueled by rage, the Berserker throws caution to the wind in favor of leaping headlong into battle in order to dish out huge ...[Read More]

Digimon All Star Rumble Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Digimon All Star Rumble Review   Â Fans of the Digimon series have been waiting for a new title to appear for what seems like years now, and finally Bandai Namco have answered the call in the form of Digimon All Star Rumble which was released exclusively in the West on PS3 and Xbox 360. For myself I could not really tell you what the Digimon series is all about but when you have two young boy...[Read More]

Kalimba Sneak Peek | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Kalimba Sneak Peek    Press Play’s upcoming title Kalimba (formally known as Project Totem) is rather hard to describe. In the strictest sense it is a simple platformer but there is something about Kalimba that makes me think it is so much more. Built on Unity, this somewhat basic looking indie game has a certain charm that is hard to place. I have been fortunate enough to get early access...[Read More]