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Randal’s Monday Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Randal’s Monday Review    It’s really nice to see the classical point ‘n’ click adventures standing on their own two feet lately. With Telltale experimenting with a more dynamic gameplay style, Pheonix Online and Daedalic are free to employ other, less known devs under their wing and share the spotlight. With this “struggle” going on, it’s no wonder new, inventive games (at ...[Read More]

Nosgoth Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Nosgoth Preview    *Note: I’ll only be talking about the standard setup for each class Vampires have fallen into obscurity recently. What I mean by that is you can now move 10 feet in any direction without being overwhelmed by the vampire-related books, films and TV shows that used to swamp the entertainment industry. One thing I always felt was missing from the tidal wave was games. And I...[Read More]

Why I Love Steam

There’s a reason people love Steam. It may not be all that dependable, it may not be goddamn perfect, but it’s sleek, it’s nice and it keeps ALL of your games nicely prepped up for playing. There’s a reason people don’t love Origin. Do you know what that is? It’s not a bad service per se, not by a long shot. It’s nice, they’ve got sales and all that. But the thing is – it’s not Steam. It forces me...[Read More]


Before I start with the review it will benefit you to know that I am essentially a grumpy little man, I dislike most companies’ executions of DLC, pre order bonuses and so-called “HD remakes”. Most of the time it looks to me like nothing but money grabbing and I generally moan about it endlessly, much to the annoyance of anyone who will listen. I say this not to bore you or even so you can get to ...[Read More]

Battle Fleet 2 Crowd Funding for Expansions | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Battle Fleet 2 Crowd Funding for Expansions   Capital J, developer of the naval simulator Battle Fleet 2 have launched crowd funding to work on expanding their game. Currently they have a target of $5000 that will allow them to add an Atlantic campaign to Battle Fleet 2’s story mode. The campaign can be found at The developers state â...[Read More]