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Starforge Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Starforge Review    Starforge. I finally forced myself into getting the bugger to work long enough to get some real impressions about the game. My initial plans were to write a preview some time back and cover the final stages of its development with news articles and such, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. First of all, I’ve got two gaming-ready computers and a brand new beefy laptop a...[Read More]


Zen Studios are about to unleash their genre busting tower defence game, Castlestorm Definitive Edition, onto Xbox One. The definitive edition includes all the original campaign, all of the previously released expansions, and a heap load of never before seen content. There seems to be a trend of late, re-releasing games and then calling them the “Definitive Edition”, and all that’s been added is a...[Read More]

Tickles Top 10 Destiny Tips – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Tickles Top 10 Destiny Tips     Destiny is here and while it’s not necessarily living to all of the hype I don’t think anyone can dispute that the minute to minute gameplay is amazing. I’ve played through the entire story, all of the strikes and countless patrol missions so I can bring you the tricks of the Guardian trade. I’ve pu...[Read More]

Influent Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Influent Review    One of the more important aspects of our society are the languages we speak in. Nowadays, communication is everything, and it’s only natural that people try and learn as many tongues as they can. Sadly, the process isn’t quite as simple as we’d like it to be, and alternatives to ordinary studying are sought out quite often. It was only a matter of time before some...[Read More]

Wasteland 2 Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Wasteland 2 Review     Old RPGs of yorehad a special atmosphere to them. They were immense, deep and complicated – not to mention that a single mistake could have very well killed your characters off. Things are different these days with tutorials, walk-throughs and guides readily available to ease you into this new universe you’re trying to conquer. Now, Wasteland 2 does away with all...[Read More]