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Most people will have one defining feature in which they place their hopes and dreams in the future of title, something that when asked, they couldn’t do without it. For some, it is story or graphics and for others it would be gameplay or side quests. There is, of course, no right or wrong answer but when its comes to making a game there should be nothing preferable. Features like gameplay, graphi...[Read More]

International Snooker Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

International Snooker Review    Snooker can often to be referred to as the game of kings amongst the massive following it current holds. Whilst it boasts 14 major ranking tournaments and many more unranked across the face of the globe it is quite obvious to see its popularity grow from its origin, devised by the British themselves. Yet Snooker is very much a marmite sport, you either love i...[Read More]

Space Run Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Space Run Review   Being a game reviewer, there is but a few titles I return to every once in a while. Due to the fact that an average day has only 24 hours, I suffer from a severe lack of time to play as much as I’d like to. Thus, I have to be very selective about what I play and when. Needless to say, only rare titles make me want to play them again after completion. I’m happy to announce ...[Read More]


Murdered Soul Suspect was recently released by Square Enix and was developed by Airtight Games. The game is something of a murder mystery, one to rival Sherlock Holmes or Inspector Morse maybe. One thing you have to say about this game is that it really dares to be different in a world of automated yearly releases. You play as criminal turned detective ‘Ronon O’ Connor’ who is on the hunt for a ki...[Read More]

GearCity Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

GearCity  Preview   While we, gamers, have access to a vast amount of ‘tycoon’ games available, there aren’t many that would simulate the ownership of a proper car company. In the last couple of months, several upcoming titles that deal with the given subject caught my attention. One of them – GearCity. GearCity is the first car-tycoon game to be released on Steam and as such will prob...[Read More]