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Weapons are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Wait, scratch that. Most weapons in games are so similar there’s arguably no difference between them. There are of course exceptions to this and I’m happy to run through some of them with you. I am listing my Top Ten Weapons from games, now these weapons may not be the most powerful but they are the ones that have stood out to me over the years. So st...[Read More]


Recently we were able to get some play time with The Evil Within, a horror survival game from Bethesda and Japanese studio Tango Gameworks.  Directed by Shinji Mikami, best known for the Resident Evil series is therefore no stranger when it comes to this genre. His other works include Vanquish and Ace Attorney. Before acquisition by ZeniMax Media, Mikami owned his own studio,Tango Gameworks. The h...[Read More]


It has been over 30 years since the Wolfenstein series of games began on the humble home computers of 1981. With 8 bit graphics, that we see still being used today in some titles to great effect. Castle Wolfenstein was hailed as the mother of the stealth genre when it was released in 1981, where limited ammo scattered throughout it’s 2D world often made the player take the silent approach to enemi...[Read More]

Wildlife Park 3 Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Wildlife Park 3 Review   The Wildlife Park series has always been among the black sheep of the ever growing tycoon games family. While each of the three currently released games has a great idea or two, the way they’re executed makes them less desirable than their devs would want them to be. I had my hopes high that this wouldn’t be the case with their third game, Wildlife Park 3, but alas...[Read More]


Director’s cuts have always been something of a gray area when it comes to games. Some games throw these things out for free, should the devs deem the additional money unnecessary. Some, however, try to sell the games again as a revamped package. Now, I won’t be going into the politics behind these procedures. It all comes down to what’s new after the update’s installed, and that’s what interests ...[Read More]