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Bethesda E3 Recap 2016

Scott Davidson, Editor at Mouse N Joypad brings you a video recap of the Bethesda E3 conference. 

Interview With Brainy Studio – We Talk About TurnOn

Next in Mouse N Joypad’s long line of interesting interviews is that with Brainy Studio the developers of Turn On, an environmental puzzler whose review you can read here. Without further ado, here’€™s what we managed to get out of their crew! First things first, where did the studio name originate from? From the very beginning, we decided to name our dev team in two words, whereas the...[Read More]

Syndrome Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Horror is a difficult genre to master. Hell, it’s a difficult genre to do even half-way well. There aren’t many great horror games that have been released over the last few years (and no, I do not count Five Nights at Freddie’s as a good horror game), there have been some exemplary titles but most of the time all we can hope for is something that will give us the odd jump scare. Creative Ass...[Read More]

Postal Redux Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  There are few games that can claim to have created such widespread controversy as the original Postal. A game where the sole objective was to simply massacre everyone on screen. Aside from Mortal Kombat (the reason we have the ESRB), it may be the most controversial game that has been released since the abhorrent Custer’s Revenge. Naturally this sparked outrage with people calling for the...[Read More]

Life Goes On: Done to Death Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  Puzzle games that feature a nice balance in terms of difficulty seem to be a rare bird in this day and age. Sure, we have great puzzlers like The TALOS Principle and The Witness, but more often than not I find that puzzle games struggle with applying a difficulty curve that depends on how familiar gamers are with your brand of logic. Ending up with most games having a mix of hair pulling di...[Read More]