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Satellite Reign Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Satellite Reign Review    Satellite Reign could very well be the successor to Electronic Arts’ popular 1990’s title Syndicate. Satellite Reign began as a Kickstarter in 2013 and then an early access title on the Steam app but is soon to be moving toward the final stages. From a previous preview of the title, we had our chance to play some of the levels and provide insight of what it has to ...[Read More]

Defiant Working On Hand of Fate 2 | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Defiant Development working on Hand of Fate 2 Â Â In an Interview the creative director and founder of Defiant Development, Morgan Jaffit mentioned a sequel to the indie gem Hand of Fate. Released back in February with the assistance of both Kickstarter and Steam early access, Hand of Fate came out to positive reviews and respectable success. Hand of Fate is a tricky game to define, being a deck b...[Read More]

Gryphon Knight Epic Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Gryphon Knight Epic Review    Gryphon Knight Epic attempts to revitalize the nostalgia for older games piece by piece; first, with pixel art and chiptunes, then with classic bullet hell gameplay, akin to so many games that have since been nearly forgotten. But, to be truly faithful to the source material, the difficulty must be high, and the resulting frustration immense – Gryphon Knight Epic...[Read More]

Everquest 2 Imprisons Cheaters | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Everquest 2 Creates Prison Server for Cheaters       Everquest, one of the first major MMO’s to be developed way back in 1999 by Daybreak Game Company. Five years later on November 9th, 2004, they released a sequel. Everquest 2. For over 16 years EQ has been a very popular MMO, inspiring huge titles such as World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online....[Read More]