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Hordelicious Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

   Survival game modes have become a standard in the last seven-or-so years. Settting Call of Duty’s Zombies and whatnot aside, games such as Killing Floor have been made successful solely by the notion being extremely enticing to most gamers. It’s a gametype where a bunch of players teams up, prepares accordingly and then attempts to fend-off a host of different AI-controlled mobs. Itâ€...[Read More]

Jade Raymond Starts New EA Studio | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Jade Raymond, the former producer of Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs, has announced her next venture after leaving Ubisoft last October. She will be starting up a new EA studio, named Motive Studios, which will be partnered with Visceral and Amy Henning on an unannounced Star Wars IP. Visceral’s next project has been described as “Star Wars in the style of Unchartedâ€...[Read More]

Cricket Captain 2015 Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  Cricket Captain 2015 Review This should be an interesting review.  You see, I’m an American.  WAIT, before you go running for the back button, let me tell you the honest truth, and then you can decide if you’re willing to give my review a read.  I think that’s only fair, considering I spent six hours giving this game an honest chance, right?  Okay, good- you’re still reading. Wh...[Read More]

Battle Fantasia: Revised Edition Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  Battle Fantasia: Revised Edition Review While playing Battle Fantasia, I had conflicting moments where I felt like I was back in the late ‘90s.  On one hand, I use to love playing games like Guilty Gear X2 with my friends.  On the other, those games don’t play nearly as well as they used to.  And that’s how my experience with the game went; one minute I’m having the time of my li...[Read More]

The Red Solstice Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

The Red Solstice Review   The Red Solstice. It is an evocative title, I pictured a barren and stormy night on the red planet, dust blowing in my face and nothing but the howl of the wind to let me know I’m still alive. The Red Solstice doesn’t disappoint in any regard, it is an atmospheric, claustrophobic struggle, from the second you start. Ironward have been working on The Red Solstice for...[Read More]