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The spear thrust is aimed perfectly, it smashes through my guard and rams home into my stomach before being savagely ripped out. The Warchief bellows in victory as he throws his spear at me only for it to get knocked aside. I am a blur of motion, almost invisible to the naked eye as I smash through the mob of Uruks that had penned me in as their commander launched his attack. The last Uruk is clai...[Read More]

There Came An Echo Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

There Came An Echo Review   It would seem that strategy games are hip again these days, what with all the interesting releases that pop up every once in a while on Steam. There was Etherium, we’ll be playing Gratuitous Space Battles 2 soon and now we have the chance to check out the long-awaited There Came An Echo. While it certainly is a real-time strategy, it chooses to focus on storyline an...[Read More]

Afterfall Reconquest Episode One Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Afterfall Reconquest Episode One Review   Three years ago, in 2011, a survival horror game with psychological themes was released. It was the Afterfall Insanity – a game which the critics weren’t particularly fond of, even though some gamers liked it very much. I was among them, too. It was a tale of a person going mad and causing horrendous amounts of damage to the people he cared about alo...[Read More]


Hand Of Fate from Australian developer Defiant Development is a tough game to put into any one genre, as it holds deck building elements of games like Magic The Gathering, and RPG elements and a combat style something like Shadow Of Mordor, which sounds complicated, but in fact is so well amalgamated it comes together beautifully. It is very much a game within a game as you are dealt cards while c...[Read More]


How does one create a strategy game that doesn’t require you to multitask at six battlefields at once while trying not to fail your mission miserably? Well, one way to go about the given task is to remove the control from the player altogether, and focus instead on pre-battle strategizing and careful unit management. Gratuitous Space Battles was one such game, and was met with considerable success...[Read More]