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Scott’s Game of the Year Nomination

2014 has been an interesting year for the gaming community but it has lacked any standout winner in terms of actual games. There have been a lot of “Good” games but not many “Great” ones so it has made the choice for game of the year a harder one than I would have expected if you had asked me in January. My nomination for the Mouse’N’Joypad Game of The Year 2014 award is: Alien Isolation. The game...[Read More]


Remember “ye olde” shooter? You know, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and the like? No? Well, neither do I. I was far too young and preoccupied playing Tekken 3 and Rayman and the like. And besides, by the time I was gaming, the PlayStation had already come out, displaying full 3D graphics. So when it was time to start shooting some enemies in glorious first person, I was already spoilt for choice. In 3D. No...[Read More]


#IDARB Preview  #IDARB started as a single tweet by lead director Mike Mika of Other Ocean Interactive when he posted alongside an image of a red box, “Where to go with this? I’ve started a new project, it draws a red box. Thinking platformer.” And thus #IDARB was spawned, with the acronym of course standing for ‘it draws a red box’. After many inceptions, the game became an 8-player ar...[Read More]

Tristoy Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Tristoy Preview  Tristoy is a new co-op game on steam greenlight. It’s artwork is hand drawn, it has many dialogue choices that affect gameplay, and it throws you into the heart of conflict right from the get go. You are the prince of some foreign land who has been captured by the Iron Kingdom. A Witch tortures you for a confession to an unknown crime with a gruesome and deadly penalty. As a pl...[Read More]

Xian Mei Joins Dead Island Epidemic | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Xian Mei Joins Dead Island Epidemic  Another of the original Dead Island heroes makes their way to Dead Island: Epidemic as Xian Mei joins the fight. Xian Mei has managed to survive thus far using her sharp mind and even sharper weapons, and she intends to keep it that way. She is a mobile burst damage character who jumps into the fray with her swords and deals massive area damage before disappea...[Read More]