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Warframe Update 14.5 Released – MOUSE n JOYPAD

You didn’t think Digital Extremes were slacking, now did you? Instead of silently releasing another weapon/accessory pack and fixing stuff, the guys and gals behind Warframe decided to spice things up with a special event! Operation Cryotic Front has us, Tenno, running an errand for a mysterious benefactor that is in return going to supply us with a pack of special ice-based mods to upgrade our ...[Read More]

Global Outbreak: Doomsday Edition Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

  In the last couple of years, Steam has been hosting a number of games of dubious quality. Sadly, a fair share of such „quality“ titles have been the efforts to port mobile games to PC. Even some of the big development houses messed this up (Deus Ex: The Fall immediately springs to mind), so it’s obvious that it’s not a simply copy/paste tas...[Read More]

Meridian New World Review

  Â   A huge percentage of games we play are produced by rather large development teams and when you get onto a AAA title the cost of making a game can reach a staggering sum. A team of twenty developers can spend two years making a mediocre game that we as critics and gamers the world over can criticise and tear apart, the thing is that we are right to do so. Effort counts for a lot but...[Read More]

Tickles Top Ten Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are great aren’t they? With their lovely chocolate goodness… no not that kind of Easter egg. I am of course talking about Easter eggs that are found in games, excellent secret messages, hidden areas, complete silliness and in some cases outright insults to other games. Pretty much every game will have some kind of Easter Egg these days and I am here to list ten of my favourites. It...[Read More]

Risen 3: Titan Lords Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Risen 3: Titan Lords Review   Risen 3 gives you the opportunity to turn into a parrot. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a game-selling feature right there, but wrapping the review up without writing about anything else would probably get me fired, so here we go!Back in 2009, via Risen, Piranha Bytes reiterated their RPG formula into a more user-friendly experience. It was a very Gothic-like g...[Read More]