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Endless Legend Preview | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Endless Legend Preview     There’s a certain flair to the word “endless” in gaming. Sure, we’re aware that no game is actually without an end, but with the latest advances in world and NPC generation, it can be said that we’re getting pretty damn close to building a game that is, for all intents and purposes, endless. Disregarding that, we gamers flock to titles that come advertised...[Read More]


No one wants to play a video game that is predictable and no one wants to play a game where everyone gets along. We love plot twists and intrigue but most of all we love a good old fashioned traitor. Without these unscrupulous ragamuffins many of these twists in games would never happen. Here is my list of my top ten traitors from games. There are obviously spoilers so… you know… duh. No.10 The Il...[Read More]

Mount Your Friends Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Mount Your Friends Review     Sexual innuendo! Who doesn’t like it? Well, people who are kinda awkward about the whole „crotch-in-your-face“ thing Mount Your Friends has going for it. Also, it’s not really implicit when the game has you controlling a dude in a speedo grabbing other similarly dressed dudes and climbing them in a rather jittery fashion. Anyhow, this is what the game fo...[Read More]

Is The New Bioshock Game In The Works? | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Is The New Bioshock Game In The Works?   In a strange and uncontextualized manner that’s rather typical of the Bioshock franchise, 2K Games posted the image depicted below on its official Twitter account.  Oooo, what COULD this mean?! — 2K United Kingdom (@2KInternational) July 24, 2014 The commentary says: “Oooo, what COULD this mean?!”. So, they’ve got ...[Read More]


Abyss Oddity, is the sort of terrible pun I’d be using to open this review I were a journalist lacking in any taste or decency, but I’m not so I won’t. Yet I were to summarise my feelings toward Abyss Odyssey in one word it certainly would be odd. Having completed multiple solo runs I still can’t quite decide what is I enjoy so much about Abyss Odyssey. Here’s my problem, alone certain elements of...[Read More]