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Project Root Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Project Root Review   If you played video games back in the 90s, there’s a good chance some of your most memorable childhood moments include playing a shmup. Maybe it was R-Type, maybe it was Raiden – doesn’t matter. The genre these titles belong to had some very distinctive traits that were hard to ignore. We’re talking bullet hell, highly improbable spaceships and ridiculously numerou...[Read More]


Richard and Alice is a point and click adventure game with a pretty confusing back story. Imagine a world where it started snowing one day and never stopped, that’s kind of what has happened here. It is inferred that in this wintry hell hole society has broken down leaving people struggling to survive and gangs have taken over the wintry wasteland. The first stumbling block that I encountered in t...[Read More]

Battle Group 2 Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Battle Group 2 Review   War sells a tremendous amount of video games a year, a phrase that may be controversial and perhaps spark debates, yet it has never been truer. The glorification of gun wielding soldiers in a deprived and often backward part of the world in the name of peace appears to be a huge selling point. You merely have to glance towards Activision and Dice as an example. The pro...[Read More]


Another E3 has come and gone, as sad as it is to see it go we have been shown what is in store for us for the next year and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these games. After last year’s tech heavy announcements what with the release of the Xbox One and PS4 it’s good to get back to seeing some kick ass games. Some of the entries on the list were simple trailers and some have been chosen fr...[Read More]

Ionball 2: Ionstorm Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Ionball 2: Ionstorm Review   I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a gamer that truly dislikes Arkanoid and/or Breakout titles. There’s something magically attractive about the legendary gameplay mechanic that consists of destroying numerous tiles with a paddle-propelled ball that bounces back and forth like a confused meerkat between two holes. Yes, I’m aware that the comparison sucks, bea...[Read More]