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Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Review   Do you find farting and burping funny? Because Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion sure does. True to the title’s suggestion, should you try to play this game, you will find yourself caught up in gasses of the nastiest kind and smells none but the orcs could withstand. Thankfully, this is all just a visual representation and nothing terrible will happen to ...[Read More]

Shiny The Firefly Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Shiny The Firefly Review   Over the last few years I have noticed a severe lack of games being advertised for a child’s market. Whether that is through sheer ignorance or a total disinterest due to my age, beard and love of computer game violence, I am unable to tell you. Yet upon reviewing the following game an obvious revelation entered my mind. The market is well established and thriving fo...[Read More]

BattleBlock Theater Review – MOUSE n JOYPAD

BattleBlock Theater Review   Here we are. A bit late to the party, but we got there nevertheless. Behemoth’s overachieving platformer has finally reached Steam, and has a couple of cool new tricks up its sleeve. If you’re like me, and you pretended that the game didn’t exist ’till its PC release either (we all hate spoilers), then this is new and wonderful to you, too. And I gotta say, t...[Read More]

Kick Ass 2 Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Kick Ass 2 Review   Games that are based on big blockbuster movies have a reputation of disappointing their audiences in a number of ways. Most of the time the original franchise rushes a development team to complete a project, often leaving the title unfinished and comprised of immersion breaking bugs. This is an attempt to exploit the current popularity and fan base surrounding a film by ...[Read More]


If you’re anything like me when you go into a store to buy a game you will probably utter the same curse as I do. Games are expensive and while a lot of games will give you adequate returns on your investment there are some that will try bleed you dry. This is a list of my top ten Cash-cow “cons” in the gaming industry. No. 10 Limited Editions   Ok so before anyone misunderstands, I’m not tal...[Read More]