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Tritton Detonator Headset Review | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Tritton Detonator Headset Review   Sound. It is one of the most important aspects to a game nowadays, if it’s not done right the entire game suffers, bad music can make a great game seem bad and a bad one even worse. If sound isn’t perfect it can shatter the illusion of the game, guns can feel weak in your hands as you pull the trigger,  etc, the list goes on, and not enough people realise...[Read More]

Painkiller Hell And Damnation – Hands On! | MOUSE n JOYPAD

Painkiller Hell And Damnation A HELL OF A GAME !   A few days ago we got the opportunity to play Painkiller Hell And Damnation on the Xbox. Painkiller is under development by the guys at The Farm 51 and will be published by Nordic Games. Originally the game was released on PC and is now set to invade consoles in May of this year. Painkiller Hell and Damnation is said to be a modern remake  of ...[Read More]

Star Trek Preview – MOUSE n JOYPAD

Star Trek Preview WILL THE GAME: “LIVE LONG AND PROSPER” OR“DIE YOUNG AND FAIL”  With the rejuvenation of the Star Trek franchise, thanks mainly to the success of the last movie and another on the way, the natural progression would point towards gaming. As many movie studios have come to the realization that some games now gross more at the till than their blockbuster movie counterparts. ...[Read More]